Configure Red Hat OpenShift Data Science


  • OpenShift Data Science Operator installed
  • Minio has been installed

Access the minio dashboard from OpenShift 20240220130000

Login to minio 20240215152544 Use username minio and password minio123 20240215152632 Create mybucket to be used for pipelines 20240215152705 20240215152852 Create Access Keys to be used for mybucket 20240215152929

Login to openshift data science dashboard 20240220125558 20240220125619

Switch to the mltesting project 20240220125651 20240220125717

Create rh1 workbench 20240215152310 20240215152343 20240215152428


Configure Pipeline Server 20240220135935 20240220140113

Create Notebooks in workbench
Git URL: 20240215160517 Clone the repo 20240215160449 Access the folder 20240215160735


Run the notebooks

  1. Run rhods Notebooks - Run notebooks to train the AI model.